Monday, 31 May 2010

Blogger gripes

OK, here's one for a start. This blog is attached to my Google account which has a calendar. I created the calendar for work purposes only (excluding leave) and it knows I write in UK English and write from the UK time zone. Blogger is apparently incapable of copying this, so the first blog was apparently written at 2:38 a.m. because it thinks I'm writing from California. More mysteriously it's worked out that I'm going to write in UK English!

Digital scepticism

This is supposed to be a blog that I created as part of this wretched 23 things stuff at Cambridge. This of course leaves me with the problem of making sure that it's not public. Strictly speaking I've been here before, and have a blog created from a diary I kept of our last Antarctic trip. Not really the correct medium for a diary as the entries tend to get sorted in order by date of editing, which means that you've got to get the entries correct first time round.